
Sophie Hoyle

Sophie Hoyle is an artist living in the UK. They relate personal experiences of being queer, non-binary and part of the MENA (Middle East and North Africa) diaspora to wider forms of structural violence. From lived experiences of psychiatric conditions and trauma or PTSD, they began to explore the history of biomedical technologies rooted in state and military control.

Recent exhibitions and screenings include Chronica at Jerwood Space, Flat Time House, Focal Point Gallery Southend, Outpost Norwich (2018), Printed Matter, New York (2017), [space] London, Transmediale Berlin (2016), and BFI London (2015).


Sophie Hoyle

Sophie Hoyle is an artist living in the UK. They relate personal experiences of being queer, non-binary and part of the MENA (Middle East and North Africa) diaspora to wider forms of structural violence. From lived experiences of psychiatric conditions and trauma or PTSD, they began to explore the history of biomedical technologies rooted in state and military control.

Recent exhibitions and screenings include Chronica at Jerwood Space, Flat Time House, Focal Point Gallery Southend, Outpost Norwich (2018), Printed Matter, New York (2017), [space] London, Transmediale Berlin (2016), and BFI London (2015).